Lib Dems win cash boost for Stockport Schools

As schools receive their budgets this week there will be an additional £2m cash boost for Stockport to help those children in less advantaged areas because of the campaign of Lib Dems in government.

Stockport schools will be able use the extra money from the Government’s ‘Pupil Premium’ Grant to support individual children or bring extra resources into the school.

Stockport Academy (pictured) will get an extra £91,744, and Adswood Primary an extra £47,824.

The pupil premium is designed to direct early help to children from poorer backgrounds and was a key part of the Liberal Democrat party manifesto in 2010.

Key to the funding is the Lib Dem insistence that the schools decide how to spend the money – not bureaucrats.  It is designed to be spent on what the schools need to help kids form the poorest backgrounds, whether it be extra tuition or staff.

Stockport Council has also been working with schools and will be providing an additional £1m to support schools raising standards.

Councillor Stuart Bodsworth, Stockport Council’s Executive Member for Children & Young People, said: “I am delighted that extra money will be available for our schools. The Pupil Premium Grant is very welcome investment which schools will use to particularly support children on free school meals and help them improve their results.”

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