Ann Updates Residents on Davenport Station

Councillor Ann Smith has e-mailed residents about improvements to the service at Davenport station.

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In her e-mail Ann told residents that there will be an extra train every two hours on Sundays serving Davenport, Woodsmoor or Hazel Grove, and that electrification of the Manchester-Preston line will see electric trains returning to Davenport and Woodsmoor over the next four years.

Ann said “Since the 2008 timetable changes our line has had older trains, shorter trains, more overcrowding and less reliable services.

“Progress is slow but the Lib Dems are fighting for our train services. Labour appear happy to accept what their Manchester bosses tell them, which rarely favours Stockport.”

Labour councillors missed the importance of a controversial report back in September which caused concerns a reduction in Davenport’s service was being smuggled through.

Predictably, they are now trying to blame  on ‘government cuts’ and downplay the report they missed.

Labour even distributed a flyer with a quote supposedly from the ‘Chair of TfGM’ without mentioning that it was actually from a Labour councillor!

Residents can still see for themselves a copy of the report on Davenport station campaign section above and see why doing nothing was not an option.

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