Sue derbyshire crime reduction

Crime continues to fall in Stockport

Sue derbyshire crime reductionStockport’s ‘Safer Stockport Partnership conference’ heard how Stockport’s succesful crime policy had helped deliver sustained crime reduction in Stockport over the last eight years with over 900 fewer victims of crime.

Last year anti-social behaviour was reduced by 21% which equates to 3,196 fewer incidents over the year.

The conference, opened by Lib Dem Cllr Mark Weldon, the Council’s Executive Member for Supporting Communities, provided an opportunity for organisations to share information on how they work to successfully prevent crime and disorder in the borough.

Cllr Weldon said: “It’s very encouraging that crime has fallen for the eighth consecutive year thanks to the SSP’s highly successful partnership work. However, we are not complacent and are determined to ensure that crime falls even further by building on the close working relationships with community groups and partner organisations.”

The conference was addressed by Cllr Sue Derbyshire, the Leader of Stockport Council, and SSP’s two Joint Chairs, Chief Superintendent Chris Sykes of Greater Manchester Police and Eamonn Boylan, Chief Executive of Stockport Council.

One of the highlights of the conference was the SSP Awards Ceremony where members of the community received a certificate of commendation for their contributions towards community safety.

Among those who received awards were a group of young women from Brinnington involved in the ‘Girls are Strong’ project which looked at the impacts of domestic abuse and ways to promote positive relationships through activities and events organised through Stockport Without Abuse (SWA) and Brinnington Education Achievement Partnership (BEAP).

Stockport resident, Brenda Bates was presented with an award for her work through Poet’s Corner Action Group in North Reddish which meets on a monthly basis to provide a forum in which residents resolve neighbourhood issues together.

Chief Superintendent Chris Sykes from GMP, said: “Brenda’s community mindedness, persistence and determination has enabled her to communicate honestly with the residents of North Reddish and partner agencies in order to respond to the needs of the community.

“An example of Brenda’s innovative work is the development of football opportunities for some of the challenging young people in North Reddish, which is now delivered every Saturday on the estate by Reddish North End Football Club.”

For more information about the SSP and the ‘Safer in Stockport initiative visit call 0161 474 3143.

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