Councillor Sue Derbyshire welcomes Councillor Patrick McAuley as new member of the Stockport Liberal Democrat Group at the Town Hall
Speaking after the Stockport Liberal Democrat Group voted to accept the membership application from Councillor Patrick McAuley, Independent Councillor for Manor Ward, Councillor Sue Derbyshire said:
“Since he was elected Cllr McAuley has shown dedication to being an effective councillor but that is very hard to do as an Independent.
“I am glad that he has looked closely at what the Liberal Democrat Group is doing in trying to protect the most vulnerable people and essential services in these very difficult times and has decided to join us to promote the interests of Stockport.”
Following his election to the Group, Councillor Patrick McAuley said:
“It has become clear that the only party prepared to put people first in Stockport, and who embody the principle of “people matter” that I have espoused since leaving the Labour party almost a year ago, are local Liberal Democrats.
“Councillors Derbyshire, Hawthorne and I will be a formidable force as ward colleagues in working tirelessly for the interests of the residents of Manor ward.
“The road ahead is long and there will be significant financial challenges to face but I continue to be impressed by this Group’s approach to inclusiveness in their efforts to reduce the impacts of the economic crisis on our residents.”