Stockport Lib Dems have congratulated the Cheadle Muslim Association on a successful open day.
“The Cheadle Muslim Association have opened their doors to the whole community for several years, and the 2016 event did not disappoint,” said Cllr Iain Roberts. “The food was excellent as ever, the entertainment was great fun and there was lots for children and adults to do.”
Iain congratulated the Cheadle Muslim Association on the work they do. “The CMA is far more than a mosque. Their children’s sports facilities are open to the whole community, they run a foodbank and raise hundreds of thousands of pounds for charity every year,” he said.
Lib Dem councillors from across Stockport came to the open day including Stockport Mayor Chris Gordon, Mark Hunter, Lisa Smart, Keith Holloway, John Pantall, June Somekh, Keith Holloway and Iain Roberts.