Lib Dems declare victory on Labour black bins plan

At the Full Council Meeting on Thursday 1st December, Stockport Liberal Democrat councillors declared victory following the Labour administration’s u-turn over black bin collection.

Instead of throwing away the existing bins and borrowing heavily to buy slightly larger bins which were to be collected only every three weeks, Labour have decided to follow the advice given by Cllr Mark Hunter, Liberal Democrat spokesperson for services including waste collection, to invest instead in public engagement to drive up recycling rates and save money.

Speaking in response to a public question on this issue, Cllr Hunter said: “This is a very welcome and substantial u-turn by the Labour administration and I am sure all Stockport residents will be pleased by this victory for common sense.

“However, despite the councillor responsible having previously indicated to the media that the Labour administration were set to drop the proposal, she chose not to confirm that at the Council Meeting, insisting that the announcement would be made at the end of the consultation, just before Christmas.”

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