Stockport Liberal Democrats join with others in marking this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day, on the theme of ‘Ordinary People’ – ordinary people who were perpetrators, bystanders, rescuers, witnesses and also victims of the Nazi Holocaust and also those since in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
The council are marking the occasion later today with a commemorative event at Stockport War Memorial.
Speaking ahead of the commemoration, Cllr Wendy Meikle, Deputy Leader of the Lib Dems at Stockport Town Hall, said: “I am honoured to represent my Group at this solemn but important commemoration, thinking about the ordinary people who enabled or carried out mass killings, those who acted to try to save others, and those who were themselves killed.
“I will be thinking about how we as ordinary people can play a bigger part in challenging the prejudice and division which has been used to excuse unconscionable acts among those identified as being ‘other’.”
Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of the Lib Dems at Stockport Town Hall, added: “We must never forget the scale and cruelty of the suffering in the Holocaust. In marking Holocaust Memorial Day, at a time when liberal values continue to be challenged in our own country as well as across the world, we must continue to challenge antisemitism, fight prejudice and intolerance, and do all we can to oppose all forms of bigotry.”
Stockport Liberal Democrats mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2023
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