Stockport Liberal Democrats were proud once again to be the largest political presence at Stockport’s Annual Pride event in the Town Centre last Sunday.
Speaking after the event, Cllr Frankie Singleton, Cabinet Member with portfolio responsibilities including Equalities and Diversity, said: “Despite the threatening weather there was a great turnout to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community in the borough. I was really pleased to see such a high turnout from local groups and residents, but especially from my Liberal Democrat colleagues, all showing our support and enjoying such a friendly atmosphere.”
Cllr Jake Austin, organiser of the Liberal Democrat stall and presence on the day, added: “It was great to see so many people embracing Pride as an opportunity to stand up for their own identities and to demonstrate their support for and solidarity with others. Our stall had a poll asking passers-by to show how well the current government is addressing LGBTQ+ issues. The overwhelming response was that they are doing terribly, and so many people wanted to vote that we ran out of stickers! The day was a complete success and I really look forward to taking part again next year.”