Local campaigner Daniel Hawthorne has launched a petition protesting at Northern Rail’s change in peak hours ticketing.
Passengers who have bought a return ticket during the day – such as shift workers or students – cannot now simply return on a peak-time train.
Inspectors now ask customers when they intend to return and sell them a more expensive ticket if this might be between the new peak hours of 16.01 & 18.29.
“Rail users want flexibility and a ticket system that is easy to use,” said Councillor Hawthorne. “People don’t want an interrogation to for a ticket that can only be used on certain trains and at certain times.”
Ann Smith – who has fought to protect Davenport services in the past – backs the campaign and asked local rail users to sign Dan’s petition.
You can do this by e-mailing petition@stockportlibdems.org.uk and by adding the word “Northern” in the subject line.