Ann takes on pavement cyclists

Ann has taken up case of elderly woman hit by cyclist on a pavement
Ann has taken up case of elderly woman hit by cyclist on a pavement

Ann Smith has taken the case up of an elderly woman who was struck by a cyclist on a Stockport pavement.

The woman, who is partially sighted, was hit by someone riding their bike on a pavement despite this being against the law.

Ann has written to Greater Mancheter’s police and crime commissioner to see what can be done. “I appreciate obviously that this matter is not going to be up there as a priority, “she said in her letter. “However, I would like to think that something could be done.”

Trixi Treat

John Reid with one of the trixi mirrors installed around Stockport
John Reid with one of the trixi mirrors installed around Stockport

Cycle Safety Mirrors (also called Trixi mirrors) have been installed around our area, and are being put in at 50 junctions across Greater Manchester.

The mirrors help drivers of large vehicles like lorries or buses see cycles alongside them. Those sorts of vehicles have a very large blind spot and one of the most common ways for cyclists to be killed or seriously injured is being trapped to the left of a large vehicle turning left at a junction.

The team has also enlisted the support of our Lib Dem MEP, Chris Davies, who is a cyclist himself and wants European rules to improve cycle safety, as many of the lorries on UK roads originate in other European countries.