Liberal Democrats stand in solidarity with black communities

The Liberal Democrats stand in solidarity with black communities in the UK, US and around the world.

Nationally, the Liberal Democrats have urged the Prime Minister to condemn in the strongest possible terms the language and actions of the US President in response to protests over racial injustice and police brutality since the murder of George Floyd.

Locally, Cllr Mark Hunter, leader of the Liberal Democrats at Stockport Town Hall, has joined the leaders of the other political groups, reaffirming our opposition to racism and prejudice.

The statement says:

Stockport Council stands together with people here and across the world who face racism and prejudice.

We believe discrimination and oppression have no place in our society and we stand united in solidarity with those who seek to tackle inequalities.

Tolerance, kindness and respect are at the heart of our communities in Stockport and these values underpin our inclusive approach to the way we live. Racism and discrimination have no place in our society and we must, as a community, continue to make a stand.

Tackling inequalities has always been, and will continue to be, our priority.

Speaking after signing the statement, Cllr Hunter said: “The Liberal Democrats exist to fight for justice, liberty and equality. This is especially important at a moment in history where our values are challenged and as liberals we stand on the side of social justice. We must stand in solidarity with black communities in the US, the UK and around the world.

“Whilst condemning what is happing in the US, we cannot forget that black people are suffering at the hands of institutions systematically biased against them here in the UK, as reported in the Lammy Review in 2017. It’s unjust, it’s unfair and it’s racist. The Liberal Democrats stand in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. We fully support all black communities and stand with them against the injustice they face.”

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