Initial reactions to Labour’s new planning proposals

In response to a media enquiry quoting comments by the Stockport Labour Group Leader, Cllr Mark Roberts, Cabinet Member with responsibility for delivering the Local Plan, said: “The Liberal Democrats have set out a clear vision for the Borough’s future that worked hard to take into consideration the concerns raised by local people about developing on our precious Green Belt whilst delivering the policies needed for sustainable growth. This was built on the brilliant foundations of the regeneration work we see currently transforming the town centre’s brown field sites and ensuring those benefits reach everyone.

“We absolutely accept the urgent need for more homes and for more affordable and social housing. It is disappointing to see Labour’s local leadership seemingly turning its back on a collaborative, cross party approach to regeneration and investment that they have repeatedly tried to take credit for. Residents see through their spin and rightly expect better.

“Labour politicians in the recent Local and General elections should have been upfront and honest about exactly where they want to concrete over the green spaces residents hold dear and backing the imposition of arbitrary spreadsheet targets, rather than allowing local authorities to determine what works for their area. The communities across our borough will rightly be concerned about disproportionate and less sustainable development. It’s clear, however, Labour locally and nationally doesn’t care about these concerns or the local environment we hold dear, and the very thing that makes Stockport such a lovely place to live.

“The mask of hope on this new Labour Government is slipping fast with them quickly demonstrating a “We know what’s best for you, so suck it up” attitude, that demonstrates utter contempt for local people.

“We will be reviewing the detail of the Government instruction but it does look like Labour are intent on concreting over the Green Belt across Stockport and the wider GM region instead of supporting our Lib Dem plan for the much needed right homes in the right places.”

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