Since September, Manor councillor Sue Derbyshire has been knocking on Manor ward’s doors with her local Residents Survey – listening to local people’s priorities and concerns.
Sue told residents:
“Thank you for the friendly reception and for taking the time to fill in the survey. I am hoping to cover most parts of the Manor Ward over the next few months.
● “Potholes” and “dog fouling” were the most common issues mentioned as requiring action.
● A remarkable 90% of you say you feel safe in your local neighbourhood – although there are small pockets where crime or anti-social behaviour causes concern.
● Many of you have no major concerns and expressed appreciation at what I and the FOCUS team are trying to do.”
Sue has been working hard to deal with local concerns, with much success – although some problems will take longer to sort out. These will of course be reported in the regular issues of Focus that are delivered by volunteers in the local area.
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