Stockport Council’s Lib Dem Executive has announced £1 million to be spent on priority and green spending in the borough in 2012/13.
Councillor Sue Derbyshire, Manor Councillor and Deputy Leader of the Council said: “This funding will support Stockport’s businesses and build on a strong and sustainable economy and strong levels of educational attainment and skills. The Council aims to lead the way in creating a sustainable future for our environment and economy.”
“In difficult times for local authorities being able to bring additional investment into jobs and environmental projects to benefit our communities shows our commitment to the future of Stockport,” Cllr Derbyshire added.
The money will be used for:
– Portas Pilot Bid (£100,000 match-funding): Stockport is bidding to be a ‘Portas Pilot’, seeking government funding to support the regeneration of the town centre. £1m is being offered nationally to be shared between 12 pilot town centres. The aim is to increase footfall across the town centre and support existing and new businesses. Successful bids will be announced in May.
– Develop a Construction Academy in Brinnington (£250,000 contribution): The Council, working with Stockport College, Stockport Homes and other partners, is proposing a Construction Academy/Learning Centre in Brinnington to reduce youth unemployment and improve skills of local residents. The proposed Academy/Learning Centre could, for example, help local, unemployed people work towards a Level 2 certificate in Construction Operations and gain literacy and numeracy skills.
– Replacement of trees (£150,000): Stockport has 15,000 street trees maintained on an on-going basis. Trees play an important role in enhancing the urban environment, and bring a sense of the countryside into the heart of the town. Around 800 new trees will be planted in 2012-13.
– Green Regeneration Fund (GRF). Following the excellent recycling efforts by Stockport residents, the Waste Disposal Levy will be much lower than originally forecast. The savings have been re-invested in the GRF and used for:
– Eco-neighbourhoods (£125,000): The aim is to build on existing community led initiatives in the Heatons and Marple, and the Big Lottery short-listed ‘Eco-Plan’ for Brinnington, Reddish and Lancashire Hill and Heaton Norris. Neighbourhood eco-plans will be developed for priority areas. This will support the setting up of new resident-led sustainable living groups and community projects.
– Sustainable Energy (£375,000). Funding will be invested in viable renewable electricity and heat schemes and providing local training and employment for priority groups. Stimulating demand for training and employment in green jobs is through delivering specific schemes. Specific project areas to be developed include local biomass supply chain development, solar PV and small scale hydro schemes.